Kotak Headstart Future Protect
1. On maturity - Fund value will be paid, Withdraw any amount on maturity for your children. The balance, if any, can be taken in pre-specified installments.
2. On death of life insured, if single life option selected , 100% of the sum assured payable immediately also Policy balance and additional death benefit (i.e. basic)premium x number of outstanding premiums) available immediately or in equal installments payable semi-annually over 5 years.
3. On prior death of the primary life insured, if joint life option selected (parent, grandparent or legal guardian) a) Additional death benefit cover, equal to basic premium x number of outstanding installments, is paid into the Main Account, into a fund pre-selected by the primary life insured b) Fund balance will continue and will be available to the child at maturity c) No future premiums will be payable by the joint life.
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Aviva Little Master
1. Entry Age: Child-0-17years, parent-18 to 45 years(last birthday)
2. Policy term:8 to 25 years subject to the minimum maturity age of the child-18 years & maximum maturity of the child and parent being 25 years and 70 years respectively.
3. Annual premium: Minimum-15000 for policy terms of 10 years and above Rs. 25000 for policy terms of less than 10 years; Maximum No limit.
4. Sum assured: Higher of (0.5*Policy term,5)*Annual premium
5. Investment Fund Options 4 Funds- Secure, Growth, Balanced and Protector
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