Kotak Smart Advantage
1. Guaranteed returns of up to 275% of your first year premium at maturity
2. Assured bonus additions at regular intervals during the policy term to enhance your fund value.
3. 100% allocation of your premiums from second year onwards to maximize your earnings potential
4. A unique fund offering you the maximum opportunity for growth
5. Option to maximize protection for your loved ones
6. Tax Benefits to avail under section 80 C and section 10 (10 D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
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Life Saver PLus
1. Entry Age: 0 to 60 years (last birthday); in case rider opted for maximum entry age is 55 years
2. Policy Terms:10 to 30 years ( minimum maturity age 18 years maximum age at maturity is 75years)
3. Premium Paying Terms(PPT):10 to 30 years subject to maximum of Policy term.
4. Annual Premium: Minimum Rs. 15000; No maximum limit.
5. Sum Assured: Minimum 0.5 *Policy Term* Annual Premium; Maximum1.5*Policy Term*Annual Premium
6. Investment fund options: 4 Unit Linked Funds- Protector, Secure, Growth and Balanced Funds.
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